Friday, July 25, 2008

"If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself? I would," Harry Carey.

"...and here comes the three two offering, strike three. Wow, Zambrano is still standing in the batters box in disbelief at that last call, he sure would love that call when he's on the mound. Oh boy, here comes Lou out of the Cub's dugout and he does not look very happy... wait a minute...whats this? A fan is out on the field running towards home plate, no that's not a fan that's new Cubs owner Mark Cuban..."

Get ready baseball fans, this could be a recurring scene at Wrigley if Cuban is allowed ownership of the Cubs. I say allowed because I doubt baseball owners would allow this nouveau riche to join their exclusive club. After all they did kick out one of their own, former Reds owner Marge Schott. (Marge Schott once said, "everyone knows Hitler was good at the start, he just went crazy in the end." Yeah, 6 million dead Jews later, crazy)

Who are these owners anyway, do they represent The New World Order or something? Are they the ones responsible for killing JFK because he didn't want Hank Aaron to load, wash and ride in the back of the team bus? Did they shoot a missile at The Pentagon on 9/11 because DC would not build a new stadium for the Nationals?

Did they plant the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so the US would go to war to distract America from the steroid scandal?
Who knows? This Cub fan says let Cuban buy the Cubs, and while your at it let the Cuban players come and go as they please Mr. Castro.

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