Wednesday, August 13, 2008
K-rod Gets Booed Wednesday Night By Morons!!! Boozers Get Cut Off By Mounted Agents of the State Before the Yanks Angel Game Sunday Afternoon
K-Rod blows a 2 run lead in the 9th against Seattle Wednesday night and the fans boo his ass. I am all for booing a guy, but when he is on pace for like 314 saves in one season and your team is in 1st place by like 50 games, I am not sure that qualifies as an occasion to boo. (Texierrachera saved K-Rod from getting the loss by jacking one off of JJ Putz in the bottom of the 9th, yes that's right JJ putz of the Kalamazoo Putzeesz)
I am an old school Saints fan, I remember seeing Archie Manning have his jersey torn from his body in what was probably the 52nd time he was sacked during that particular season. If there ever was a team that deserved to be booed it was the "aints". So shut it you spoiled Angel fans and enjoy the ride K-Rod is taking you on this season!
Speaking of the Angels, I was in attendance at Angel Stadium last Sunday to see the Yanks get merked on, I love saying merked on, it's sooo Cali. Before the game some family, friends and myself arrived early to congregate in the parking area for some wine and cheese before the game.Unfortunately the homo bringing the wine and cheese was not able to accompany our gathering due to an incident involving a gerbil, a three year old sheep and bag of gummy worms. So we settled for Miller Lites and beef
About 4 and a half beers into the tail-gaiting, mounted police arrived in order to prevent any consumption of alcohol. I remember hearing a sarcastic drunkard,me, yell out contemptuously, "thank god, the police".I could not believe my fucking eyes, these overzealous mounties patrolled up and down the parking lot with the same determination a gay,still waaaaay in the closet, high school coach has while cruising up and down the boys showers during p.e. hoping to sneak a peek at some pre-pubescent balls or an even better cock shot. I went to a Catholic high school, so I've seen it man, its really awkward, especially if you are NOT gay.
We were reduced to pouring our beers into red cups. But the super troopers were on to us and even made some sinners pour their beers onto the ground and wrote some tickets to boot. During one of the prohibitive ride-by's, one of the storm troopers horses dropped a huge, two girls in a cup like pile of shit in the middle of some tailgaters. I think it was a planned attempt to even more ruin what would have been a rather pleasant tailgating experience.
If Angel fans are going to boo anybody they should be booing these Nazi, buzz killing so called peace officers, protect and serve my ass. Whats with Orange County? It's like the Fourth Reich out here,you can't drink at the beach, you can't drink and drive and they litterally shit themselves if you drink while you drive. Like South Parks Eric Cartmen once said, "whats the big fucking deal bitch?" Seriously, whats the point of bombing third world countries in the name of freedom if you can't get wasted and piss all over peoples tires in the parking lot outside of a baseball stadium on a beautiful Sunday afternoon?
Maybe it's me,maybe I should move back to that rat infested city that sits 7 feet below sea level I call home,that's right, NOLA baby, home of the Saints and Mayor Sugar Ray Nagen. New Orleans may be a shit hole but at least you can still get wasted to, during, and while driving home from a Saints game.
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